Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Horror job search stories and illegal interview questions, Part III -

Horror job search stories and illegal interview questions, Part III - In honor of Halloween week, I thought it would be fun to commiserate and share some job search horror stories! The goal is to share tales from job seekers (so you know youre not alone) AND from hiring managers, so job seekers can learn what things might NOT work and how to manage when things are going down the tubes! Natalie shared this story, also detailed on her blog: After waiting for awhile in a brightly orange-painted room, the interviewer calls my name and sits me down at a desk. Normal thus far until he comments on my choice of wardrobe a green dress. Literally he said Natalie in the green dress in the orange room! Then he looks at my resume So youre from Utah, isnt that where all of those Mormons live? Are you Mormon? I answer in the affirmative, and a little bell starts ringing isnt he not supposed to ask that? He starts asking me the interview questions and randomly pauses to ask me why I switched from crossing my legs to crossing my ankles and asked (maybe leered) are you comfortable here with me? Got a little nervous that I may have gotten myself into a bad situation at that point. I got the question that every interviewer has askedWhat brought you to San Diego? My husband and I just moved here. Then he starts asking Oh youre married, how long have you been married? After my reply of one month, he literally said, Well youre Mormon youre going to have children soon. Now I know thats not right for an interviewer to ask an interviewee about children and upcoming life events that would affect employment. But we keep going. I have to admit it was a little weird when he asked me if my husband had more than one wifeI tried to politely educate him but seriously no SERIOUSLY?! The interview was awkward and concluded. He then walked me outside, saying he wanted to see what car I drove. Okaaaayythen he asked what was on my ipod. Maybe he didnt like that I said Fergie mixed with country because he called a few hours later to say I didnt get the job. Needless to say, despite wanting income, I didnt want to work with him anyway. Ahthe true horror story, complete with the illegal and generally inappropriate/irrelevant interview questions. Clearly, the main (and key) outcome here is that Natalie would not have wanted to work for this person, regardless. That is important. Its key for job seekers to maintain control of their own destinies by refusing to work where they know they are likely to experience inappropriate behavior. Dont ignore interview warning signs. Its up to you to NOT jump from the frying pan (a bad job or no job) into the fire a horrible job! So, how could Natalie have managed these questions? Did she have to answer? Follow this link for information about how to handle illegal interview questions. Have you ever been confronted with an illegal or inappropriate interview question? Share your experiences in the comments! Dont miss Part I and Part II of this Horror Story series! I can help with every part of your job hunt! Need a great resume? Tips to use social networking? Interview coaching?   If you need help mobilizing your networks and your job search plans, learn more about how I can help you! While youre at it, dont forget those social networks! Be sure to become a fan of Keppie Careers on FacebookId be thrilled to have you as part of the community! Since were on the subject of doing something newAre you on Twitter? Jump on and touch base with me @keppie_careers. photo by trommettier

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